Polish Bacon, Oscypek Cheese & Homemade Pineapple Sauce Pizza

Today we combine the smoky richness of Polish bacon, the sharpness of Oscypek cheese, and the sweet heat of our homemade pineapple sauce for a truly unique pizza experience.

Oscypek, a traditional smoked mountain cheese from Poland, brings a firm texture and a strong, savory flavour that’s perfect for those who enjoy distinctive cheeses. Pairing it with Polish bacon, known as “boczek”, which is thicker and more flavorful than typical bacon, adds a rich, smoky depth. To elevate these rich flavours, we drizzle the pizza with a homemade pineapple sauce made from pineapple, chilli, garlic, vinegar, brown sugar, salt, and lemon. The sweetness of the pineapple, paired with a slight kick from the chilli, creates a beautiful contrast with the salty, smoky toppings.

The combination of these ingredients creates an adventurous flavour profile—sweet, smoky, and slightly spicy—all balanced on a tomato sauce base and topped with a sprinkle of fresh chives for a touch of brightness.

Polish Bacon, Oscypek Cheese & Homemade Pineapple Sauce Pizza

The combination of smoky Polish bacon, sharp Oscypek cheese, and the sweet yet spicy homemade pineapple sauce creates a flavourful pizza that is perfect for those seeking a taste of something different and fun!
To make this Polish Bacon, Oscypek Cheese & Homemade Pineapple Sauce Pizzas pizza pie, you'll need a handful of simple ingredients and a little time to prep the dough and toppings. Follow our step-by-step instructions, and soon you'll be savouring a slice of this lovely pizza. Bon appétit! And don't forget to browse through our other home pizza recipes for inspiration for your next pizza-making adventure!
Course Appetizer, Main Course
Cuisine American, Australian, Italian, Pizza
Servings 2


  • Outdoor Pizza Oven, Pizza Steel, or Stone (if using a home oven)
  • 1 Pizza Peel
  • 1 sauce ladle
  • Food processor


  • 1 pizza dough ball
  • 1 ladle of pizza sauce
  • Fresh mozzarella cheese
  • Fresh chives
  • smoked mountain cheese (oscypek)
  • Polish bacon (boczek)

Pineapple Sauce

  • 1 cup of diced pineapple
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp white vinegar
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • Salt
  • Lemon
  • ¼ cup of water


  • Prepare Dough: Follow any of our dough recipes. You will need to prepare the dough at least 24 hours ahead of time.
  • Prepare Tomato Sauce: We recommend our standard pizza sauce which is versatile, simple to make and is perfect for Neapolitan style pizzas. Spice up this sauce however you like, remember the best part about making pizza is the creative process!
  • Prepare Pineapple Sauce: In a food processor, blend pineapple, garlic, and water until smooth. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and add brown sugar, vinegar, chilli flakes, salt, and a squeeze of lemon. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer until it reaches your desired consistency. Set aside.
  • Prepare Cheese: Grate the Oscypek cheese finely and tear both fresh and low-moisture mozzarella into medium-sized pieces. Place the fresh mozzarella in a container lined with a paper towel to help absorb excess moisture. Set all cheeses aside.
  • Prepare Polish Bacon: Slice the Polish bacon into thin, roughly square or rectangular pieces. Set aside.
  • Prepare Chives: Roughly chop the fresh chives. Set aside.
  • Preheat Oven:
    If using an outdoor pizza like an Ooni pizza oven, aim for a temperature of 450-500°C at the center of your pizza stone. Use an infrared thermometer to ensure accuracy. It should take around 25-30 minutes to reach temperature.
    For a home oven, using a pizza steel or stone, place the stone or steel inside the oven and preheat to the highest temperature for at least 30 minutes.
  • Prepare Base: On a lightly floured surface, stretch out the dough by hand according to the steps outlined in our dough recipe. Once you're happy with the shape of the base, lightly dust your pizza peel and transfer the dough onto the peel.
  • Assemble Pizza: Begin by spreading a ladle of tomato sauce evenly across the dough, starting from the center and working outward in a circular motion. Next, sprinkle a generous amount of grated Oscypek cheese over the sauce. Evenly distribute the torn pieces of fresh and low-moisture mozzarella across the base, leaving small gaps between Lay the sliced Polish bacon (boczek) on top of the cheese. Finally, drizzle the homemade pineapple sauce over the pizza.
  • Bake Your Pizza:
    If you're using an outdoor pizza oven, launch the pizza into the oven and bake for 60-90 seconds. Keep an eye on the pie and rotate every 10-15 seconds to ensure even cooking and to avoid burning.
    For a home oven with a pizza steel or stone, the bake time should be around 7-10 minutes.
  • Serving: Once the pizza is done, remove it from the oven and place it on a serving board. Sprinkle the freshly chopped chives over the top, slice, and enjoy your Polish Bacon, Oscypek Cheese & Homemade Pineapple Sauce Pizza!

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